Георги Динчев

Георги Динчев е независим IT експерт и преподавател с повече от 19 години практически опит, организатор на технологични събития и основател на Indit.org – мрежа на независимите IT предприемачи.
Притежава експертиза в областта на Business Intelligence, Социалното инжинерство, Проучвание и обработка на масиви от данни, Data Mining.
–> English
George Dinchev is Independent IT Expert with over 15yrs experience. His domains of activity currently include Business Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Surveys and Data Management, Data Mining.
George Dinchev is Independent IT Expert with over 15yrs experience. His domains of activity currently include Business Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Surveys and Data Management, Data Mining. George Dinchev is Chief Executive Officer at CyberCon Organizing Committee and CEO of Indit.org – a network of independent IT experts, located in Eastern Europe. The events organized by George Dinchev bring together successful freelancers, bloggers, hackers, geeks and SME who make useful systems for the people despite the corporate rules.